A Blog Is Born

T minus 1 day

As I’m getting ready for bed, tweeting out some inspirational messages, I am hit with an idea, what if I try to do 365 days of pure positive thought? What if I make a concerted effort to be constantly mindful, to sensor every thought – to practice all of the principles of the law of attraction and positive thinking that I’ve been teaching for the last few years…daily, every hour, every minute, ALL the time. What if?

What if I put my intentions out there, not just to the universe, but for the world to see. In a blog. What if, for 365 days, I only allow positive thoughts to take root in my mind. What if I see every moment as good, and accept the “bad” stuff with grace and positivity.  What if I consciously stop every negative thought in its tracks, and feel grateful for everything in my experience, no matter how it appears, and see how it changes my life; both day-to-day, and long term.

What if I can live with the absolute knowledge that I have already received that which is yet unseen, for every desire I have. And I document my journey by sharing my thoughts as they come, and then seeing what manifests as a result. I will be able to show the world how my thoughts are manifesting my desires, and what those manifestations are – both big and small, simply by believing.

Complete. Raw. Exposure.

There are a gazillion books, blogs and you name it out there telling you that they have the missing ingredient to manifesting with the law of attraction, but no-one really tells you how and what they did, or what their manifestations are.

Whoa! This could be big. What a totally off the wall, crazy idea! As I drift off to bed, excited with the idea, I wonder, will I really go through with it?

I wake up this morning still excited about the idea, I’m super-charged. It’s like a woo-woo version of the Truman Show! Holy crap! Ok, take a deeeeeep breath. But it’s New Year’s Eve, how can I get this thing up and running by tomorrow? It only makes sense to start this project on January 1st.

Positive thoughts.

They say, once you start on an inspired path, doors will open, and you will attract all you need in order to manifest your desire. You will be given signs, and experience synchronicities along the way, confirming that you are on the right track, and encouraging you to keep going.

I logged on to Facebook this morning and I was bombarded with signs. The universe is definitely sending me a message:  Do it. They will manifest.



And that’s just a few of the [literal] signs.

So, I decided to jump in and take the plunge. Tomorrow, January 1, 2016, I will start to blog my journey into 365 days of positivity.

What will happen? Will being completely positive for 365 days transform my underlying beliefs? Will I be a completely different person for having gone through this process? Will I be able to believe? Will I have enough faith to manifest my desires according to the law of attraction for every little desire? Will I look back on this day on January 1, 2017 in awe with all that transpired in the past 365 days, or will I wonder what the hell I was thinking to embark on this journey?

I haven’t ironed out all the details yet, and I don’t know exactly what I’ll write about everyday,  but I can promise you that I won’t make shit up. I’ll tell it like it is, in whatever form it takes, and, hopefully, it’ll be one crazy, amazing, positive ride!

I invite you to join me on my journey.

I bring you The Thought Project.

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15 thoughts on “A Blog Is Born

  1. Wow! That sounds like a big task but I have faith in you. It’s already such an impressive accomplishment. Best of luck with the next month and your book – definitely something I will buy!!!! My name is Amanda 🙂

  2. Thanks DLI…what is your name? I didn’t see it on your site. Yes, it’s been quite a journey, brave for sure! I have already started to think about that final entry in this year-long journey. I’m planning to write a book about it actually next year – I had to top the 365 days of blogging! 🙂 Rajni

  3. Considering 2017 is just a month away and you’ve completed 11 months of this wonderfully brave journey, I can’t wait to read your New Years post coming up about your overall journey as opposed to enjoying a little bit of your beautiful and positive, inspiring self every day in bits. Looking forward to reading what you have to say (every day) but especially in regards to this path of self discovery and dedication. Keep it up!

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