Faith Is The Substance

Day 14

I didn’t check my numbers last night to see if I won. I got several calls from people telling me the numbers were in. I told them I didn’t want to know anything – I have my own ritual. I woke up super early this morning, and in the quiet mystical air just before day break, I checked my numbers.

I didn’t win. Anything.

Several others did, so that humungous pot of money has been earmarked, and the next jackpot is only worth $40M. Ok, so that’s nothing to sneeze.

I am disappointed. My first reaction was to analyze my feelings and why my desire hadn’t manifested. I was certain I had won. Mindful that that was a negative thought, I changed my train of thought.

Be grateful Rajni. Be grateful.

When you can feel genuine joy for someone else, even in the face of your own disappointment, the universe does, and will continue to shower you with more reasons to feel joy.

I must admit, it is definitely with a bit less pep in my step that I write this post today. But I am genuinely happy for those folks that won. In fact, I’m really excited for them and how wonderful they must be feeling right now.

This situation reminds me of a time a few years ago, when I had just started to practice the LOA, and I was desperate to win a consulting contract. Not desperate in an I’ll-do-anything-to-make-it-happen way, but more of an intense desire. There had been many signs that I won the contract. I was absolutely certain I had. So much so that I took the action that I would have if it had already materialized, and then it didn’t materialize. I was actually in shock that it hadn’t manifested, that’s how much I believed it was true. I didn’t stop believing though. I was sure my desire had been granted. I was even told by the “decision maker” that someone else got the contract, so it wasn’t going to happen. And I still believed it would happen. About a month later, I got the contract! The person who had been offered the position decided not to take it, and my desire became reality. That is how faith works. No matter how things appear to be, your belief is not altered or shaken.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

– Hebrews 11:1

So, I keep my faith. I have received my pot of gold. It’s just a matter of time before it manifests in this dimension. Maybe it will show up in a completely unexpected way. After all, the universe decides how, it’s only my job to feel the joy of having received. The universe will take care of the rest.

Best Is Yet To Come

My journey continues and I am extremely grateful, especially today, for the so so many blessings I have.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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