Count Your Blessings

Day 147

“Better to lose count while naming your blessings than to lose your blessings to counting your troubles.”

– Maltbie D. Babcock

I’m a bit behind with my posts again, but this time it’s because of a message from the Universe that was so conspicuous that it had to take center stage. I’ll share the details with you in the last post of this series which I’m calling Positivity Manifestation Tools. For the next six posts, I’m going to share some tools that will help you get your positive thoughts and energy flowing again, and supercharge your manifestation practice.

If you’re not familiar with the steps to consciously create your desires using the Law of Attraction, you can read them here. In the meantime, I’ve shortlisted the key ingredients necessary to create the life of your dreams:

The main states of being, emotions and key ingredients that make all the difference in living a life of joy and manifesting the things you want are: gratitude, love, acceptance, release, healing, affirmation, visualization, belief, and synchronicity. 

Today, I’m sharing a gratitude practice that I picked up from Rhonda Byrne, the creator of The Secret. It’s from her book The Magic, which is full of amazing ways to make your life better – I highly recommend it. In her own words, here’s Byrne’s Count Your Blessings practice:

“You will have heard people say to count your blessings, and when you think about the things you’re grateful for, that’s exactly what you’re doing. But what you may not have realized is that counting your blessings is one of the most powerful practices you can ever do, and it will magically turn your whole life around!

When you’re grateful for the things you have, no matter how small they may be, you will see those things instantly increase. If you’re grateful for the money you have, however little, you will see your money magically grow. If you’re grateful for a relationship, even if it’s not perfect, you will see it miraculously get even better. If you’re grateful for the job that you have, even if it’s not your dream job, things will begin to change so that you enjoy your job more, and all kinds of opportunities for your work will suddenly appear.

The flipside is that when we’re not counting our blessings, we can fall into the trap of unintentionally counting negative things. We count negative things when we talk about the things we don’t have. We count negative things when we criticize or find fault with other people, when we complain about traffic, waiting in lines, delays, the government, not enough money, or the weather. When we count negative things they increase too, but on top of that, with every negative thing we count, we cancel out blessings that were on their way. I have tried both – counting my blessings and counting negative things – and I can assure you that counting your blessings is the only way to have abundance in your life.

First thing in the morning, or as early in the day as you can, Count Your Blessings. You can write out your list by hand, type it on a computer, or use a special book or journal and keep all of your gratitude in one place. Today, you are going to make a simple list of ten blessings in your life you are grateful for.

When Einstein gave thanks, he thought about why he was grateful. When you think about the reason why you’re grateful for a particular thing, person, or situation, you will feel gratitude more deeply. Remember that the magic of gratitude happens according to the degree of your feeling! So with each item on your list write the reason why you’re grateful for it.

After you’ve finished making your list of ten blessings, go back and read each one, either in your mind or out loud. When you get to the end of each blessing, say the magic words three times, thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel the gratitude for that blessing as much as you possibly can.”

I’ve noticed that many rituals, religious rites, life coaches, fitness trainers, motivational speakers and the like, suggest practicing a new behavior or regimen for 40 days – I think there’s something to it. Maybe it’s the amount of time it takes for the subconscious to accept new programming. I recommend putting my Positivity Manifestation Tools to the test for 40 days. I promise you’ll notice some significant improvements if you stick with it for at least 40 days. If you like them once the 40 days are complete, add them to your permanent daily routine…and watch the magic unfold!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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