Picture Perfect

Day 280

“The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.”

– Barbara Kingsolver

I’m sure you’ve had a scenario in your life where you said “why don’t they make ____?”

Sara Blakely had one of those moments, and because there was nothing on the market to satisfy her desire for footless pantyhose, she decided to create them herself.

For her attendance at a private party, she experimented by cutting off the feet of her pantyhose while wearing them under a new pair of slacks and found that the pantyhose continuously rolled up her legs, but she also achieved the desired result, and Spanx was born.

Sara’s creation has made her a billionaire.

How did this 25-year old go from selling fax machines door-to-door in the Florida heat wearing pantyhose to creating a billion dollar company?

By visualizing her end goal.

Sara’s vision, while she was still selling copiers door-to-door for Danka, was to be self employed; invent a product that could be sold to lots of people; and to generate money without her actually being there.

check-markQuote Of The Day: Inspiring Words by Robert Collier

She held on to her vision, and at age 27, while still working for Danka, she moved to Atlanta, Georgia, invested her savings of $5,000, and spent the next two years researching and developing her hosiery idea.

She attributes her success to these 4 main ideas:

  1. Failure – It’s life’s way of nudging you and letting you know you’re not on the right path.
  2. Visualization – Take a snap shot of your dream life, and hold on to that vision – you will subconsciously start to make decisions that get you there.
  3. Goal Setting – Write down your goals and aim high.
  4. Trust Your Gut – Sara’s idea of footless pantyhose made her a billionaire.

Sara talks about how important visualizing your goals is in this short video:

No matter what you desire is, don’t let naysayers (within and external) dissuade you from pursuing what you believe in. Listen to that little voice inside that knows you’re on the right path.

Create your vision and write it down. Remember that everything happens for a reason; everything you experience is meant to guide you on your journey to your vision.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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