It’s Not-So-Random After All

Day 337

“No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves.”

– Amelia Earhart

With the exception of the first two items in the list, when I constructed my list of positivity principles yesterday, I didn’t intend to create an order of priority or significance, I just started writing whatever occurred to me in random order. Of course, we know there are no accidents, and there’s really no such thing as random – there is order in the Universe, and meaning to everything that occurs within it.

Today’s Principle of Positivity wasn’t originally number two on my list, but after what I experienced before 9 am, I knew this had to be today’s practice.

synchronicity-icon Synchronicity Snippet: I realized that I was writing about the “un-randomness” of the Universe for the post about what is commonly referred to as random acts of kindness after I’d put it together.

When I got up this morning, I had several messages and comments on various posts on my blog. I had a back-and-forth discussion with a couple of bloggers, and one blogger in particular took it upon himself to respond to a comment I made about my father having returned to his eternal form. I did not expect any response, but the one I got was so heartwarming, it’s getting me all misty-eyed as I write this. The best part is the conversation began in response to his humorous post An Ode to Indian Toilet.” I mention this just to illustrate that even when you’re talking about doo-doo, literally, there is an opportunity to spread goodness and kindness.

When we show kindness to others, we send out vibrations of joy and abundance, which can only create more beauty in the world. I’ve shared evidence of the massive ripple effects that kindness has in my tornado-of-kindness campaign posts, and in all cases, the joy that the giver receives is equal, if not greater than the receiver. When you do good for others, it does you good. Period.

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.”

– Mother Teresa

You might recall the story of a young girl’s holiday wish last year that sparked an incredible world-wide display of kindness. 8-year-old Sa’fyre Terry, a burn victim of a terrible arson attack, just wanted some cards for Christmas to fill the little card tree her aunt got her. An acquaintance posted her wish on Facebook, and it went around the world so many times that she received mountains of cards, gifts, and cash that it took her months to get through it all. I too, sent her a care package with cards, gifts and cash. I still remember how good I felt after I shipped the package that day – the joy was all mine! Kindness reverberates.

She received so much that she donated to charities and spread the joy to many other children who otherwise wouldn’t have received anything for the holidays. Talk about a tornado of kindness! I can only imagine how amazing the guy who posted her wish on Facebook felt!


In fact, I think we intuitively know that being kind to others is a blessing to ourselves because we say so. While I was at the grocery store the other day, I came across an elderly man who was trying to get up out of his motorized shopping cart to reach the top shelf. When I asked if I could get something down for him, he said he’d just had knee surgery and would manage. He thanked me, and said “God will bless you.” It was a reflex response, he didn’t think about it – it was his inner wisdom speaking. Our souls know about the blessings that come from kindness. Now it’s your turn.

thumbs-up31 Days Of December French Hens & Turtle Doves Positivity Practice #2: Kindness

Make some ripples, waves or a tornado-of-kindness!

The Gift Of Kindness

Go to my French Hens & Turtle Doves page to see my act of kindness!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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13 thoughts on “It’s Not-So-Random After All

  1. Superb so nicely written on kindness and with beautiful quotes too. An act of kindness goes a long way and it is so nice to help people who r in need. What mother Teresa has done for humanity everyone cannot be like her. 👍👍👍👍👍👍

  2. To me, you were the stimuli. The more you feed your mind with positive thoughts, the more you can attract great things into your life 🙂

  3. Thank you Jackie!! I do hope you will participate in my 31 Days of Positivity Song! I just took a quick peek at your blog, nuts, cats, unicorns, positive messages and imagination…I’m so IN!!! 🙂 Looking forward to reading your posts! Cheers, Rajni

  4. I just found your blog and wow! Random acts of kindness and the challenge! You ROCK! I hear ya that one act of kindness ripples and I have done it before, and right now I was blessed by my best friend who gave me money as I am down on luck, no job, yet. But I am praying…stay blessed, Your fan, Jackie

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