Inner Zen

Day 319

“Listen to the inner light; it will guide you. Listen to inner peace; it will feed you. Listen to inner love; it will transform you, it will divinise you, it will immortalise you.”

– Sri Chinmoy

We cannot control others, but we can control are our own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions.

We can control how we allow others to affect us.

Here’s what I experienced today:

In the store parking lot, I drove around a woman in a truck who was blocking the road. She seemed to be stopped in front of the store, waiting for someone to come out. As I turned into the next parking aisle, a man came out of a parking spot about four rows in, and I pulled into it.

The woman in the truck came up behind me as I got out of my car and started yelling that she was waiting for the spot. I apologized, told her I didn’t realize she was waiting for it, and I’d happily move.

I was shocked because I had no idea she was trying to park, or that there was any reason to sit and wait for a spot and block the main road since there were dozens of empty spots even closer to the door.

In any case, the woman was not content with the fact that I had made an honest mistake, had acknowledged it, and was ready to correct it. She continued to yell at me and say unnecessary nasty things. Finally, instead of continuing the futile “conversation,” I just got in my car and moved it.

check-markQuote Of The Day: Inspiring Words by Unknown Author

In the past, I might have reacted differently, but I made a conscious choice to keep calm, and shake off the ugly interchange. In fact, I was grateful for the experience; it gave me an opportunity to improve myself.

Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow.

A few minutes later, in the store, another lady came up to me and told me she was sorry I had to experience that. She said she’d watched the whole thing and I had handled the situation very well. “At least you didn’t lose your cool. Don’t let that woman’s actions ruin your day.” she said.

That lady’s gesture was a small thing, but a great thing.

“Do small things in a great way. “

– Napoleon Hill

Don’t let others steal your joy. No matter what you experience, you always have the ability to choose inner peace.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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