Father Knows Best

Day 171

“Thanks Dad, For all the love you gave me,
For all the games we played,
For all the stories you told me,
For all the lessons laid,
For being my teacher, my mentor, my protector & my best friend,
For always having my back,
For knowing my greatness, & teaching me to see it too.
I love you Daddy, for forever and a day.”

– Rajni Kurichh

Today is father’s day, and it’s also the 7th anniversary of the day my father returned to his spirit form. Twelve days ago, I launched a tribute series gearing up to today’s memorial post. When I thought of using the Celestine Prophecy Insights to honor my dad, I didn’t realize that once I had written all 12 posts, I would be able to sum up the messages I received from the insights in a few sentences that match the essence of my father’s teachings:

Be gentle.
Let go of your ego and see your true nature.
Treat others well.
See the perfection and beauty in all things.
Lift others up with love and kindness.
Honor and nurture the Divinity within.
Have faith in God.
Know that you are being guided to your highest good.
Trust the journey.

If I had to describe the essence of my father’s spirit in a few short sentences, that’s about how I’d describe him too. These were not mere words that he shared; they were the principles he lived by.

The greatest gift a parent, a teacher, or a mentor can give to a child or a pupil is to instill the belief in them that they are worthy, that they are loved just the way they are, and that happiness comes from within. I am very fortunate, because my father did just that.

It’s father’s day, and I’m supposed to be the one giving the gift, but first, let me tell you about another gift he gave me.

I think of my dad everyday, but I don’t miss him on a daily basis because I feel like he’s always with me. My dad was sick, and he knew that his time was limited, and about a year and a half before he passed, I had the great fortune to say so long to my father. In that teary exchange, my dad said that death was just another stage in the soul’s journey. This is what he said to me:

“The soul is eternal and our bond transcends death. There are no goodbyes. The body is just the soul’s clothing, it doesn’t change Who We Are – we are always with each other. You will always live in me, and I will always live in you.”

– Mankeshwar Lal Kurichh

I’m not sure my dad would approve of me putting him front and center with this MLK 7-Year Tribute Series – he was much happier working in the background, and didn’t need or want the lime light. He would, however, be thrilled to help anyone who needed it, as he often did. So, despite putting his name in lights as it were, I think he’d get over it for the impact it has had.

A couple of days ago, I received an email in response to this series from someone who recently lost her father. She wrote to tell me that she was grateful for this tribute series because some of the posts “have literally lifted me out of some dark days…I felt it was important to let you know that I have been deeply impacted by your writings in a very positive, comforting way.” She went on to say that she’s giving conscious creation via the Law of Attraction a trial spin, and becoming mindful of messages from the universe.

Sometimes when we feel lost and we don’t know how to heal, the Universe sends us just what we need.

You know what I did when I read that message? I bawled my eyes out.

Remember that gift I’m meant to give my dad today?

This message from a stranger is the best present I could give him, no matter what form his spirit has taken. I’m so very grateful that my desire to carry on his legacy and share his message is helping others. In fact, he’s helping people in his spirit form like the Tenth Insight says.

On May 19th, I added another page to my site, under the Ask Rajni menu, here. I started to write this post to unveil it, and then I realized I should wait until today to post it. Instead, I shared a message about magic and how when we don’t know the answers, it opens us up so the Universe can fill the void with goodness. It was a message to have faith and surrender to the guidance of the Universe – a key factor in The Twelfth Insight. Double Synchronicity.

Since day one, I have been wanting to add a section to Kurilane with my father’s teachings. I created some cards of his quotes a couple of years ago, before I started this blog, but I wanted to taylor them for this site and I just never had time. Coincidentally, I got them done exactly a month ago, and because the cards were ready to go, I was able to showcase them as the feature images for this series and spread his message out into the world, just in time for today – the perfect day to unveil the addition to my site.

As I said yesterday, my dad was fond of teaching lessons through stories, anecdotes and poetry; I hope to create a living memorial of the rich legacy of his wisdom here at Kurilane, and I’m proud to unveil the start of my little corner dedicated to my father, Daddy’s Pearls of Wisdom.

Here are some images of special moments and precious memories of my dad.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my stories as much as I’ve enjoyed sharing them. Even more so, I hope they have helped to heal and inspire you – there’s no greater gift I could give, or better legacy I could leave of my father.

Happy Father’s Day, Daddy. I love you, for forever and a day.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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