Ordinary Happenstance

Day 350

“Taking the path of least resistance is always helpful and peaceful, which is always in line with your life’s purpose. Maybe you’re successful in what you do, but the Universe will keep trying to bring you back to your purpose.”

– Hina Hashmi

It’s no coincidence that the next principle of positivity on my list is today’s topic. For the last few posts, I’ve talked about following your bliss, how everything happens for a reason, and that I’m grateful that my ongoing issue with pingbacks for the last couple of months had been resolved.

Yesterday, it broke again.

Because I tried to fix all the old links that weren’t working, and my attempted fix caused the issue to occur again.

Oh, the folly of it all!

All of my words from these posts kept running through my head, and I finally decided to just surrender. I realized that maybe there was a reason for this issue to go on for so long, and  I decided to just have faith that it would work out for my highest good.

When you resist something, you give it energy, and that only attracts more of the same into your life. Today’s principle of positivity is a close cousin of principle #9, Go With The Flow, with a slight twist – you not only let things unfold as they do, you are an active participant.


When you trust the process, and have faith that life is working for you; with you, solutions to your problems will come out of the woodwork, and your journey will take you to heights that you may not have even imagined.

That’s what happened to Michael Singer. His 40-year surrender experiment led him on an amazing journey into self discovery, with some mind blowing experiences along the way. By simply saying “yes” to whatever came in his path, he went from reclusive yogi to founding CEO of what would become a billion dollar public company whose achievements are archived in the Smithsonian, and a whole lot in between! Wanna see what it brings you?

thumbs-up 31 Days Of December French Hens & Turtle Doves Positivity Practice #15: Surrender

Trust the Universe. Say “yes” to what shows up today.


Go to my French Hens & Turtle Doves page to see what I said “yes” to today!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Embrace your journey into self discovery.

Get inspired to create a life you love.

Awaken to the truth of your Divine Magnificence.

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