Idea Jar

Day 199

“Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need to open the door is just one more good idea.”

– Jim Rohn

I’ve had a lot of good business ideas over the years, but I never implemented any of them, either out of fear, or sometimes I didn’t think I had the resources I needed to get the idea off the ground. Often, I would have an idea and disregard it, without even thinking whether it was something I should consider acting on or not. Now, I make a conscious effort to record my ideas, even if I’m not planning to do anything with them, at least at the moment, because the simple act of being aware of my ideas helps attract more of what I want to create in my life.

Collecting my ideas not only helps to stimulate my creative thinking “idea muscles”, but it trains my brain to think positively, see the good in everything, and it also continues to attract more ideas to me. Even if I never do anything with my ideas, I’m training myself to think from an abundant mindset; to think of alternatives. So, when life gives me lemons, I naturally focus on looking for solutions, instead of getting hung up on the issue.

I believe we all have many great ideas all the time, we just aren’t mindful of them. Pay attention to your thoughts, and you’ll start to notice all your great ideas. Find a way to collect your ideas in one place – whether it’s old school, in a jar or a notebook, or on your computer, phone or tablet. Your ideas can be practical or outlandish, it doesn’t matter because it’s not just about the ideas themselves, but about cultivating a positive mindset. This small tweak will change the way you respond to challenges, and change your life.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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